Thursday 16 May 2013

Long-term Arsenal Serie A target offered in swap deal

Gokhan Inler has reportedly been offered to Inter Milan in a swap deal. Could Arsene Wenger finally get his man?
At the end of April an agent called Dino Lamberti had these words to say regarding a long-term Arsenal transfer target:
"Despite the many requests for him, Gokhan wants to stay where he is. There are a lot of clubs, very important ones of the highest level, who have told me that they are ready to sign him if he is unhappy in Naples. But he wants to stay and he loves Napoli.’’
The player in question is of course Swiss international Gokhan Inler; whom Arsene Wenger has been a massive fan of since his days at Udinese.
And you can understand why as he truly is a Premier League mould of a player. Industrious but technical his bullish central midfield style would fit seamlessly into the Arsenal way of playing the game; and add that little bit of bite that many would say they have been missing in the heart of the midfield.
At 28-years-old Inler should be entering his peak years as a midfield talent but as you have read already above there does not seem to be any sign of him wanting to leave Tuscany any time soon.
am foreseeing a formidable arsenal team come next season pr what do you think?

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